11.1: Water Science and
Importance of Agriculture in
national economy; basic principles of crop production; cultivation of rice,
wheat, chickpea, pigeon-pea, sugarcane, groundnut, tomato and mango. Major
soils of India, role of NPK and their deficiency symptoms. Structure and
function of cell organelles; mitosis and meiosis; Mendelian genetics; elementary
knowledge of photosynthesis; respiration, and transpiration; structure and functions
of carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, enzymes and vitamins. Pests and
diseases of major crops and their management, important rural development
programmes in India; organizational set up of agricultural research, education and
extension in India.
Water resources of India, surface and
groundnut resources, rainfall, rainfall-runoff relations, measurement and estimation
of runoff, irrigation development in India, command area development, watershed
management principles, government schemes in watershed management program, water
harvesting structures including farm ponds, water quality including physical, chemical
and biological properties.
Physical properties of
soils—texture, structure, density and consistency, infiltration, field
capacity, permanent wilting point, available water hydraulic conductivity, soil
water flow including Darcy’s law, mechanical analysis,chemical properties of
pH, EC, atoms, molecules, colloids, clay mineral, major and trace elements,
salinity and sodicity, cation exchange capacity, evaporation,
evapotranspiration, water requirements of crop, plant growth process, soil and
water conservation practices and tillage.
Simultaneous and quadratic
equations, differentiation and integration, differential equations, elements of
statistics, frequency distribution, probability concepts, basic concepts of
economics, energy, horse power, efficiency of machines, concepts of fluid flow,
hydrostatic pressure, surface tension, irrigation water distribution and
control, irrigation methods, irrigation efficiencies, irrigation scheduling,
water lifting devices and pumps, construction of wells, drainage principles and
applications, surface drainage, subsurface drainage, water pricing, water laws and
irrigation acts.
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